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Showing posts from February, 2016

Yassin and Tahlil Recital

Our deepest condolences to one of our club's members, Siti Nur 'Aqeelah for her father's death. This is in line with a sentence in Quran that says, "Every soul shall have a taste of death..." [Al-Imran, 3:185] Therefore, in collaboration with Wellington Malaysian Students' Organisation (WMSO) club, we held a Yasin and Tahlil recital for her father's death, Mr Mohamed. More details about the event is as follow: Venue: Student Islamic Centre (SIC), Kirk Building, Kelburn campus Date: 25 October 2015 Time: 7:45pm Recitation and Refreshment It was a potluck-based event. Right after yasin and tahlil recital, we had small refreshment that were brought by students and to be shared among muslimin and muslimat. Thus, we were able to foster bond among the students and able to get to know more about each other. We hope the student and her family will stay strong. May Allah put the spirit among the believers. Al-fatihah. ..............................